Feature | Details |
FREE DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION! * limited time only |
For a limited time only, we are offering a free 2 years registration of a .com.au or .com domain name for new clients with all of our packages. This offer is for a limited time only - so HURRY! |
Website designed and created for you by our professional designers | Every one of our sites is custom designed especially for your business. This includes uploading your initial content and making sure everything is working. You don't need to do anything to the website yourself, apart from supply the necessary text and photos, etc. In other words - the website is fully completed by us in the first instance. |
Ability to update the website yourself | All of our plans come with our DIYnet editor. With DIYnetyou simply dial in to your website using your browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox) from any computer (PC or Mac) anywhere in the world. Enter your password details and start editing your site. It's that easy! The DIYnet Editor works in a similar fashion to Microsoft Word. In fact, if you can use Microsoft Word you can use ourDIYnet system. |
All packages are fully supported | All of our packages, from the very basic to the biggest and the best, are fully supported. We guarantee the quality of our work, including the hosting. If there's a problem, you simply contact us and we fix it. Most times we will answer your calls straight away but if we are busy, you simply leave your details and we return your call promptly! You are not waiting on the phone for hours on end, listening to some mind numbing music or leaving a message on some email ticketing system and hoping maybe, some day, someone will read it and get back to you! We understand, you are in business and you don't have time for all that. |
99.9% up time guarantee | We guarantee your website will be visible 99.9% of the time or we will refund your monthly payment for that month. All of our servers are located in Sydney, Australia and are subject to 24x7 monitoring of all systems and services. Why not 100%? Because sometimes it is necessary to restart the servers after installing new systems, etc. This doesn't happen often and it's usually done in the middle of the night but it can create a very brief outage. |
Email Aliases *(any_name@yourdomain.com.au) | You may have an unlimited amount of forwarding addresses. ie You can have any_name@yourdomain.com.au forward to any email address. |
Webmail * | When you are out of your office, you can recover your email from anywhere in the world. You can check, receive or send your email from any computer. |
Anti Virus | You can enable virus checking on your incoming emails. |
Anti Spam | You can enable SPAM filtering on your incoming emails. |
Auto response system | Responses can be sent from your site automatically. ie. When someone sends an enquiry or order, etc. |
cPanel Web Control Panel | State of the art control panel where you can control your domain. |
Domain works without www. | People don't need to type www. in front of your domain name. |
Detailed Site Statistics | You can monitor your success. ie You can see how many people come to your site, which pages they looked at, where they came from, what they typed into a search engine to find you, which search engine they used or which link they came from - plus a whole lot more. This information is vital to plan your ongoing marketing and promotion and measure your progress. |
Monthly fees |
The monthly fees are $29.95 inc GST per month, this includes:
Payment terms | A deposit of $500 plus GST ($550) is required with your order, with balance payable on completion of the website. Monthly fees are payable annually in advance. |
Trading terms | All intellectual property including the DIYnet system remains our property. |